still life
Still life in linocut technique
I love still lifes so much. We just had to try it. Surely beautiful and raw results. I’d perhaps add one or two colours next time. And some text.
Spring is time for still lifes
We researched vitamins and minerals in connection to our unit of inquiry ‘healthy choices’. In the end we decided not to take it too serious and just make a bit of veggie jokes where a tomato driven by a car becomes a ketchup and a banana can and will not return because it is after all really not a boomerang. It was real fun and the works are beautiful.
Still lifes now again and forever
Our still lifes were made with observational drawing of real fruits and vegetables. Children observed the surface and the colour, the shape and the size and tried to capture it in our drawings.
Paintings are made with aquarell paints on aquarell paper.
In addition we used inks and wooden sticks to add the outlining and incorporate the writing into our artworks.
I tried to do the writing in this particular project with kids before but since they are only 6 and many struggles to write I was about to give up.
Yet sticks and inks turned out wonderfully. It was much more of a play than serious writing. And the works are stunning!
V is for vegetables V is for vitamins
Valiant pepper. Vibrant banana. Valuable broccoli. Virile aubergine. Vehement pomegranate. Venturesome onion. Vast sweet potato. Venust apple. Veteran carrot. Vigorous beetroot. Viable cucumber. Vigilant turnip. Vaulting fennel. Vulnerary ginger.
Very vital visitants on a venture of observational drawing with incorporation of text.
What a vigour, what a vim!