These works are of a Grade 1. I know!!!
Art classes in Berlin
by artnuts
These works are of a Grade 1. I know!!!
by artnuts
Our still lifes were made with observational drawing of real fruits and vegetables. Children observed the surface and the colour, the shape and the size and tried to capture it in our drawings.
Paintings are made with aquarell paints on aquarell paper.
In addition we used inks and wooden sticks to add the outlining and incorporate the writing into our artworks.
I tried to do the writing in this particular project with kids before but since they are only 6 and many struggles to write I was about to give up.
Yet sticks and inks turned out wonderfully. It was much more of a play than serious writing. And the works are stunning!
by artnuts
So if you are careful you might notice on the last photo (I did my best to cut it out elsewhere) we have a new wall at school.
Well I don’t really like it! It’s red and white and red and white and with this a bit of this and a bit of that it simply makes a bit of a mess behind our exposed work.
It is also magnetic which is nice but it seems it is especially lovely if you are a teenager passing the art work. Half of the magnets are gone in a day and the work is hanging lucidly on those red and white stripes.
I do hope kids get fed up with magnets. And I do hope someone paints white over red.
I feel like writing an ode to my old wall, or at least a haiku.
Here are the works of mostly 5 but also some of 8 and 9 year old children. We made a black and white background and did observational drawings of dragon flies using b&w lines just the opposite to the background. They really came out pretty.
And DO NOT TOUCH those magnets ARE MINE!!