This project is just brilliant. In takes a lot of explaining but when children understand what it is about it becomes very playful in some sweet arithmetical way. Yea I did say this!
A wolf eats seven little goats. Wolf is a black dot and little goats are orange triangles. So we put seven little orange triangles inside of a big fat black dot. Wolf gets seven big heavy cold stones in his belly. Stones are blue squares so we put seven blue squares inside the black dot. Maybe also three white lines for stitches ha! Little Red Riding Hood is represented with a red dot. Red dot ends in a blue half circle for a house inside of black triangle for a wolf next to a red square for a grandmother and all around the black triangle yellow dot for basket and little colourful dots for all of those wasted flowers.
It’s a solid proof! Warja Lavater had to have her imagination in her left hemisphere.