We used a kiss print technique for this. Very easy and lots of fun and messy moments. We’ve already made beautiful kiss prints in our sketch books to start ourselves properly.
We spoke about facial proportions and how to draw a face. What shape has an eye? Where does a nose start and end? Why is an upper lip darker than the lower one? Where do the ears come in, and last but not least, how does the hair grow from the top of our heads and not the opposite way?
Of course we will not stick to all of these because we aren’t rigid but we like to talk and think and understand. And if we can use some of it that’s just a great new adventure.
So eyes are beautiful but complicated to colour. Nose is strange but funny. Lips can look crooked, and teeth too. Hair is a science of various paints and a joy to paint (Brushes had to be invented to paint hair. Hand just relaxes and everything is easy – short, spiky, curly, straight… )
Skin comes in many shades, sometimes we are blue, sometimes we are pink, who cares.
And the t-shirts? Well the t-shirts are the best part of course. Glitter, dots, stripes and stars. And all of the paint and morning toothpaste stains.
acrylics with kids
Free painting
My midis were left to themselves and they behaved very responsible. I am ever so proud of them!
Inside and outside of the houses
I have a book that I find pretty amazing. It’s called Woran denkst du?. I wished to do a project on the subject but since it’s quite abstract I decided to start with a similar project only instead of drawing our mind we drew houses. Houses are easy. We all have one, live in one, have someone living in one that we visit and so on. So we did it. We drew sinks, bedrooms, tables, stairs, spooky basements and all the rest that goes with it. As an extra inspiration we used a very nice book called Zuhause by Carson Ellis.