Grade 2 created self-portraits under the spell of Pablo Picasso. It was in our PYP connection to our unit about the role models.
Art classes in Berlin
by artnuts
Grade 2 created self-portraits under the spell of Pablo Picasso. It was in our PYP connection to our unit about the role models.
by artnuts
While the little rabbit has tripped in their apple home and the mother is taking care of the bruises , the father comes home from work (the constellation) and the horse is pooing all over the yard. Party time!
by artnuts
We were working hard to understand the process of printing by making lino prints using four colours. It’s a lot of work and it lasts forever but the children are so captivated in this process and development it is worth every moment, every struggle, every obstacle.
by artnuts
Through these beautiful mandalas we explored shapes, symmetry and pattern.
by artnuts
We tried some mono-printing. Our theme were animals in their natural habitats.
This is a really easy technique with beautiful results of both, the print and the template.
by artnuts
We love books. All kind of books; comics, art books, history books, books about nature and birds, flowers and insects, fantasy books…
So we are very pro world book day-ers! We celebrated it by making an illustration inspired by a book that is dear to us. What else!
We hung our works on the walls of our schools’ library, right where they belong.
by artnuts
Dear friends,
Holidays have taken place, Christmas is here and New Year is not far. I would like to wish you all peaceful family times and a fabulous 2020 with as little stress as possible.
I would also like to share some news. I lately got a full time art teaching position which will take a lot of my time and I love it of course. On the other hand I unfortunately have to say goodbye to the regular classes at the studio. I will try to keep some workshop now and then so really, no goodbye for us.
I’m grateful for all your trust and loyalty you showed me through years and for making Artnuts a real little family.
Yours very, Mojca